Saturday, July 4, 2009

iPhone gets nostalgic with HP calculator apps

Depending on your age the terms HP 12C and 15C will either bring back fond memories or be met with a quick visit to Wikipedia to find out what I’m talking about.

They are in fact calculators from the relatively distant past with some very nice retro styling. If you happen to own one it probably hasn’t been used in quite a while either because you have no use for a separate calculator in this digital age or you don’t want to risk damaging it.

15cWhatever the reason HP are now offering us an alternative way to use its HP 12C and 15C calculators again and without fear of ever damaging them. You can now buy them as an iPhone App.

If you want to replace the default iPhone calculator with one of these HP classics it won’t be cheap. The 12C will cost you $15 and the 15C $30. Hopefully those prices will be reduced in the not too distant future, but compared to when they were originally released that price is a steal - the 12C, for example, used to sell for $150 in 1981.

Overheating Issues Continue To Plague iPhone 3GS.

No company is perfect. It appears that there have been issues with the white iPhone 3GS overheating and discoloring easily. The rumors didn’t attract very much attention at first, but reports continue to file in. Apple hasn’t taken the issue very seriously yet. They’ve updated their support document entry on iPhone overheating to include the 3GS, but that’s as close as they’ve come to dealing with the actual problem. Apple states that overheating phones will show a warning screen and lock down for all non-emergency calls. This doesn’t address the primary current issue; the fact that overheating iPhones are discoloring.

It’s possible that the issue is due to a faulty battery cell in the iPhone itself. Wired has done an in-depth report on the subject and believes that the broken part might necessitate an iPhone recall. This would be a huge blow to Apple’s already marred 3GS launch.